Thursday, November 13, 2014

Below Zero: Mica to Mecca

The North Face has done it again.  They have managed to produce a film that has every adrenaline junkie salivating over their keyboard.  And this was just the teaser.  And boy did it do its job.

I couldn't imagine a more stellar cinematic journey then to the untamed peaks of Greenland with some of the sickest lines just waiting to be run.  This takes #winterstoke to a whole different level.  When the athletes themselves are saying the peaks are "maybe ride-able, maybe not", you know they are in for a world of fun and we...  Well, we get to watch in constant anticipation.

The flyovers are breathtaking; from the ship cracking the ice sheets and the dogsled powering up the valley, to the time lapses of fog billowing over this incredible peaks.  They even threw in some incredible animations and my personal favorite, the human backbone that transforms into the peak itself.  It's almost symbolic, not only to the mountain range, but to the adventure.  You've got to have a very strong backbone to tackle something that monumental.

I am eagerly awaiting the full length film's release on November 17, just in time to get us all super pumped for winter.  I don't know about you, but the temps are in the low twenties, there's frost on the ground, the air is crisp, the wind is brisk, and I'm impatiently pleading for that first snowflake.  Watching Mica to Greenland was supposed to curb some of my eagerness, but it's only adding fuel to my fire.

Update!  The whole video is out to view!  And it's incredible!  The North Face also uploaded a new video about the sustainability actions the crew used to limit their impact on the environment.  Very rarely do we take the time to evaluate what impacts our recreation activities have on the environment. Adventure sports take a huge amount of fossil fuels.  Human-powered travel and public transportation are underused methods of accessing our favorite playgrounds.  So next time you're heading out into the wilderness, be mindful about your impacts and do everything in your power to limit your carbon footprint.  Be a warrior for the environment!

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