Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Make 2016 a Year to Remember

Welcome to a New Year!

Every year starts fresh with resolutions and convictions to be healthier, fitter, smarter, and happier. And those are some pretty great goals!

And with so many amazing things happening in 2016, its not hard to want to dream big! Here's just some of the things I'm going to cover over the next 366 days. That's right, it's a leap year!

January: OR Winter Show in Salt Lake City, UT
February: President's Day
April: Earth Day, National Park Week
May: Appalachian Trail Days
June: National Trails Day
July: Juno Reaches Jupiter on Independence Day
August: 100th Birthday of the National Park Service, OR Summer Show in Salt Lake City, UT, Rio 2016: XXXI Summer Olympic Games, Pacific Crest Trail Days
September: National Public Lands Day
November: Election Time, #OptOutside

Other: More Stehekin Adventures, Wonderland Trail Thru-Hike

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