Friday, November 1, 2013

Life Lessons: Laugh

“Laughter is the sound of the soul dancing. My soul probably looks like Fred Astaire.”     ~ Jarod Kintz
“If you wish to glimpse inside a human soul and get to know a man, don't bother analyzing his ways of being silent, of talking, of weeping, of seeing how much he is moved by noble ideas; you will get better results if you just watch him laugh. If he laughs well, he's a good man.”     ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky
“I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.”     ~ Billy Joel
“The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.”     ~ Mark Twain

They all have it right: Mark Twain especially.  This world would be a much better place if we all took the time to laugh.  To forget our worries and forget our greedy ambitions and realize that we all laugh and cry and bleed, and that is our common denominator.  Those are our unifying factors.  These are the things that need to bring us together and we need to forget what divides us.

So start each day with a laugh, end it with a giggle, and make at least one person roar everyday until their sides split and their faces hurt from smiling.  If every person awoke with this resolve, the world's problems could be solved.


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